Her red lips and tangerine cheeks; the cigarette and the pink blooms in her shiny black hair. Even Frida new the importance of flowers when it came to style. I've had an unbusy week practising extreme self-care and I drooled over many design magazines. I've made an observation and discovered that floriculture accounts for billions upon billions dollars in our global economy. No matter which page I turned I saw pretty petals or leafy plants. Like Frida's dewy lips, flowers and greenery give life to any room. I challenge you to open any decorating magazine or website and 'not' find bouquets and fresh centerpieces in the space. It seems flowers make the room. Los estilistas creativos tienen que vivir en los mercados de flores al por mayor!

A beautiful post. At one of my lectures years ago, the designer said each room needs, original art work, fresh flowers and a good oriental rug or at least 2 out of the 3. There is energy and dna in these items, she said with her French accent. I shall always remember her words.
I have been laid up with flu for the past week and my husband cut some bougainvillia and plumbago and put them in a vase - I love them
Love those oversized blooms.
Good Morning Helen, That is a great quote to remember. I also heard that every room needs one 'red' thing. Hope you feel 100% soon!
Yelling across the ocean.....JANNNNNN! How are UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Yes, those blooms make me go MADDDDDDD.
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