Saturday, June 13, 2020

Simple Seven

Hello there!  

For me it's all about well-being in life and business (health, happiness & prosperity) and I enjoy learning about other Entrepreneurs, Authors & Artists;  their lives behind the scenes, so I thought I'd share a couple of personal things about myself too! 

Today, there seems to be 7 things people discuss quite a bit. (I'm listening Ladies!)

1. Wellness Practices including Biohacking, Sun & Red Light Therapy, Meditation, Grounding, Gut Health and Weight Management 
2. Aging Backwards Exuberantly (Circadian Rhythm / Blue Zones / Mediterranean Focused) 
3. The Cost of Living (specifically food & rent!)
4. Non-Toxic = SAFE products (beauty, home, personal care)
5. Starting a business: On the go, mobile/social side hustles in the beauty & wellness space.
7. Spirituality, Family, Friendship, Gathering & Community 

For my overall happiness & wellness journey, I 'strive' to achieve these 7 things daily. 
(Perhaps we have a few things in common!)

strive  /strīv/
  1. make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.


1. Water 5 glasses/day + skincare + sunrise/sunset therapy
2. Clean, Paleo eating & supplements (see below)
3. 8 hours:  Sleep (Member #5amclub) + Diffuse Oils + Blue blocking glasses at night
4. 8 hours:  Business (Writing, Painting, Photography, Embassy of Ideas)
5. 8 hours:  Personal/Family/Friend Time/Gathering 
6. Daily Walks (with my Golden Doodle 'Vivian'), Light Weights, Stretching & Meditation
7. Creativity, Reading, Fun & Kindness

I track my day inside this 90 Day journal.  Putting pen to paper reveals the 'gaps' in your overall well-being & creates positive habits and outcomes!

Mojo Mornings!

Note:  I 'mostly' eat a clean, Paleo diet.  
(Full disclosure here:  I have a thing for 'cake' and I love to bake!) 
I'm doing my darnedest to avoid sugar.

If you love cake and stories. 

"Vivian Kalman Kennedy"

Named after.....

Pretty, fresh flowers for my table every Friday.
(And love me some challah bread too!)

Speaking of baking.  
I have quite a pile of baking books!

Big fan of Alison Roman, Anthony Bourdain
and Jules Blaine Davis

I have a cookbook stack that I will share soon!

My personal at-home PANTRY = 'holistic apothecary' supports my wellness journey and looks something like this:  

'Renew' Vitamin E is my No.1 go-to supplement. 

GUT HEALTH:  'Enrich' pre/pro biotics digestive enzymes to keep things moving! (I've recently learned about the gut-brain axis.  It's real!)

Mojo Brazilian Coffee for a mid-morning treat!

AGING BACKWARDS: I take this medical-grade liquid Type 1 GLOW collagen  at bedtime for that 'aging backwards' magic.

Zest for an afternoon pick-me-up.

I pop (B12 + Vit C + D + Zinc) 

I use AP24.
It is 100% the best

🦷Bleach/Chemical f r e e
🦷Cavity Protection
🦷Safe for kiddos 2+
🦷No sensitivity
🦷All you do is ⒷⓇⓊⓈⒽ

I've recently started to dry brush.
Dry brushing the body offers numerous benefits, including exfoliating dead skin cells, improving circulation, reducing cellulite appearance, promoting lymphatic drainage, boosting energy, and enhancing skin texture. It can also stimulate the nervous system, support detoxification, and contribute to overall skin health.

Healing Ritual Baths & Showers:  I'm obsessed with personal, bath & body care products (epsom salts, botanicals, oils, candles, music)

I drink coffee in the morning - this tea for afternoon/evening

I rarely drink alcohol (but if I do it's a gin & tonic, whiskey & soda or an ice cold beer)

Skincare Morning/Night Serum (with vitamins, antioxidants and botanicals)

NOTE:  If we don't exfoliate we're wasting our hard-earned dollars on skincare!

I like quick, simple & minimal makeup.

My heart remains open to my art practice

Forest Bathing, grounding and strolls near water when I can

Listening to podcasts and audio books is my new morning ritual!

NOTE:  Metabolic health refers to the optimal functioning of metabolic processes within the body, involving the efficient conversion of food into energy. It encompasses factors such as insulin sensitivity, blood sugar levels, and lipid profiles. Maintaining good metabolic health is crucial for overall well-being and can prevent conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

It's important to be generous because there are
people who need us to be generous.
Be Kind.
Be Loving.
Be understanding & non-judgmental.

Be gentle and loving to oneself.
Surround yourself with good friends.
Gather often.

Links HERE

Peace Love Create Art Gather

These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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