Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Oils and Intimacy Essential Oils Class

Hi Everyone! Welcome to Class! 

Be sure to have a pen and notebook ready.  Get comfortable. Let's begin!

We are so glad each and every one of you is here. As we've been sharing about oils and their impact in our life these past few years, this is a topic that continually comes up. Not just the fun 'spice things up' in the bedroom topics (but we will touch on that) but all different layers of intimacy. 

We hope to share some things today/tonight that will support you, encourage you, and equip you.

Disclaimer: We are NOT Doctors, we are looking to support ourselves and families with essential oils. Anything shared here is not intended to treat, diagnose, or prescribe any medical advice. All oils we are talking about today/tonight are Young Living Essential Oils only.

What actually is intimacy?

I think that society has such a skewed perception of what intimacy even is. We are WHOLE people. There are so many areas that make us whole, intimacy is one of them. And intimacy itself has it's own areas: intimacy of our mind, emotional intimacy, physical intimacy and spiritual intimacy. I think a great place to begin is to look at our overall health and wellness and how that relates to intimacy in our lives. 

I know, for me, as my health changes, intimacy changes. The better I feel in all different areas of my life (hormonally, well rested, well nourished, etc) the better intimacy is. For all of us, in order to give the most beautiful and precious parts of ourself, we must first tear down a lots of walls. 

A great place to begin if this is an area you want to focus on, is the book: 

Releasing Emotional Patterns with EssentialOil

I know we can all see how the physical and the emotional are related. 

For example: A hungry child will throw a fit, a tired Mom (Hi) may say some things that are irrational (who me?). 

But there are so many deeper emotions that many women experience: grief, fear, regret, anger --- just to name a few --- that will affect our ability to be physically intimate. We are going to talk about a few emotions before diving into the more fun stuff. 

I want to start with talking about Rose essential oil. 

Rose supports releasing the FEAR of intimacy. Let's just throw this out there to start things off: Rose is an expensive oil, maybe the most expensive one. The great thing for us is that it is also in so many blends! Joy is one of my very favorite oils and it includes Rose. Replacing FEAR in intimacy, would be supporting TRUST in intimacy.

These are a few more oils to look into for supporting emotional intimacy.

1) En-R-Gee: This is an oil that supports releasing isolation. The opposite of isolation is being connected. We all want to be connect in the most intimate ways with our partner. 

2) White Angelica: This is one of my favorite oils, I love to diffuse it at night. This oil is a great support for feelings of loneliness. 

3) I'm gonna get a little fired up here for a minute: I want every single woman reading this to know that there is not a single thing in the world that you could do that would make you any less worthy, any less beautiful, any less worth pursuit, and any less worth protection. Whatever any person has ever declared you to be, is NOT WHO YOU ARE. Anyone who has experienced severe trauma or abuse in any area of their life: SARA essential oil would be a truly wonderful oil for you to look into. I would really encourage you to do some research on this oil. 

4) Release is one of my go to oils. This oil is named perfectly and, in my experience, is one of the fastest working (and best named) oils. It supports releasing some of the emotions that we seem to hang onto.

5) Lastly, Lemon! Lemon, in general, is such an uplifting oil. I love to diffuse it in the morning. It is a great oil to support the releasing of emotions like self blame and regret.

We are going to move on a bit to physically intimacy. When it comes to a marriage and partnership, physical intimacy is so important. Sometimes it feels like maybe it's the least important part of our relationship, or we can't remember the last time. I do truly believe that there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle of intimacy working well. When we put physical intimacy on the backburner, we do lose something in the other areas of intimacy with our spouse. And we are most definitely preaching to ourselves here too, ladies. One of the pieces of our physical intimacy puzzle us our hormones. 

Our hormones truly affect so much else in our bodies. Oils to look into for hormone support for us ladies are: Progessence Plus, Ylang Ylang, Mister, Dragon Time, andSclarEssence. 

I will sing Progessence Plus' praises until the cows come home. If you are struggling with ALL THE THINGS when it's about to be, or is, that time of the month for you. Please look into this oil! Oils to look into for hormone support for your man are: SHUTRAN! I mean there are others, but seriously Shutran forever and ever. Other oils for you guy: Idaho blue spruce (and for us! I will talk about this later) and golden rod!

Two other pieces of the physical intimacy puzzle are our thyroid and our adrenals. For your thyroid: endoflex and thyromin work with your body to bring it into balance and also work to nourish your thyroid. For your adrenals, oils to check out: Nutmeg, En-r-Gee,Ninxga Red, and Ninxga Nitro. I would encourage you to look into the book Taming the Dragon Within to really learn more and educate yourself on supporting your adrenals and thyroid with Young Living Essential oils. You can find that book right there:

Let's talk about some things that may become intimacy stealers for us as women.

Some areas that keep us from physical intimacy are
a) exhaustion
b) resentment
c) control. 

Amongst other things, let's be honest. Maybe five children in your bed, maybe 16 piles of laundry, or maybe Netflix. 

But! Let's look into these great oils for some of those areas that are holding us back: 

Panaway for exhaustion, of both the physical and emotional kind! 

Lemongrass for resentment. Maybe he didn't load the dishwasher or walk the dog, these are real problems.... But seriously. 

Resentment.... Lemongrass, do your thing. 

Peace and Calming embraces it's name. As women sometimes we need that PEACE and CALM before we can commit to any.single.thing.else. Especially intimacy. Get yourself some peace and calming. If peace and calming is out of stock lavender is great oil for calming down.

Intimacy stealers for our guys are just as impactful as the exhaustion, resentment and control are for us ladies. Some areas that may keep them from physical intimacy are physical stress, emotional stress, the feelings of not being enough, and a lack of respect. 

No matter what your husband/partner's job is there will be pulls of both physical and emotional stress for them. What is the opposite of physical stress? FUN! What is the opposite of emotional stress? Harmony. I am pretty sure all of our guys want fun and harmonious intimacy with their wives/partners. 

That physical intimacy IS a release of those stressors for them. Eucalyptus Radiata is a great oil for releasing physical stress and Harmony for that emotional stress. I think that the feelings of not being enough can be something that builds up in guys that makes them not want to open themselves up, not want to express themselves to us, and not want to be vulnerable and intimate with us. Which is often times a reaction to our feelings as wives/partners of resentment. 

It's really a vicious cycle because if they're not enough for us, why even try? It can just keep going and going. Abundance is such a wonderful oil for all different areas of intimacy and especially for releasing those emotions of not being enough. Lastly, the opposite of a lack of respect for our husbands/partners is honor. Honor is a beautiful thing to have in intimacy. It keeps you thinking about what your spouse needs and what makes them happy and it leads to a beautiful type of intimacy. The oil for this is Hope.

Okay! Down to the fun stuff: Enjoying the actual gift of physical intimacy.

There are so many ways to use the oils to actually be a part of your physical intimacy. A great place to start is the actual aroma of these oils.

Use your diffuser! Maybe have a scent that's your scent together. Your man knows when that's going in the diffuser, it's gonna be a good night. He can have one for you too. Do those things to prepare each other and set the mood. Maybe especially he for you. Diffuse something that relaxes you! Diffuse something that is stress relieving or energizing. Diffuse something that maybe hits on one of those emotional areas of intimacy that you are trying to work on. I love the atmosphere that diffusing oils creates in my home in general, how fun to add it to your intimate life with your spouse.

Next up: 

Massage oils! These are such a cost effective way to use your oils. They last a long time and have so many great blends of oils in them. I love Sensation massage oil so much. It is diluted and ready to use. Sensation is formulated to increase your feelings and awareness of your surroundings, it increases your response to something which is a perfect fit for intimacy. 

A lot of times what causes yeast infections, bladder infections, etc comes from the use of synthetic lubricants. Rather than using those, we would look into using coconut oil, v6, or sensation massage oil instead. Coconut oil has antibacterial and anti fungal properties and prevents those infections from happening. 

I also love to use Sensation Massage oil or Mirah Shave Oil after shaving. Obsessed.

Let's talk a little bit more about Abundance, shall we? 

This is an awesome oil to use topically. It is a little, ahem, spicier. It's another great oil in terms of increasing your feeling. Next up, all hail Idaho Blue spruce. This is THE go to oil for supporting low libido in both men and women. You can apply it topically or diffuse it. I love to make a roller with 10 drops Idaho Blue Spruce, 10 drops orange and fill it the rest of way with sensation massage oil. This has been a huge game changer for many when it comes to low libido. Gary Young, the founder of Young Living may have been known to say "If you want to see the stallion come out of his stall, give him the Idaho Blue Spruce." Just wanted to pass that information on to you all. You can thank me later. Be creative! If you have a husband/partner who's not on board with oils yet, this will get him on board y'all.

His and Hers: 

SHUTRAN: Helps in the libido department. Primary oil is Idaho Blue Spruce (see last post!) Smells amazing!!! Apply as a cologne or onto forearms. It helps to support healthy hormone levels and function. 

PROGESSENCE PLUS: Hormone and emotional support, supports low libido, I use this every morning and every night. Three drops on my wrists in the morning and three drops on my neck before bed.

Bedroom DIYs…...

Here are a collection of DIY potions to spice up your life and things in the bedroom. Enjoy!

+ “In the Mood” roller blend: Black pepper (12 drops) + Sensation (10 drops) + Clary Sage (10
drops) + Peppermint (12 drops) + carrier oil
Roll on inner thighs - the heat from the black pepper is cooled off with the peppermint for a tingly sensation.

+ Aphrodisiac Massage Oil: Mix 5 drops Ylang Ylang, 3 drops Cypress and 3 drops Orange in 1 tsp of carrier oil. Massage on inner thighs.

+ “Pillow Talk” linen spray: 15 drops bergamot + 15 drops ylang ylang + splash of witch hazel, topped with distilled water

Ylang Ylang. I can't do a class on oils and intimacy and not share a little bit more about this one.

+ the flower of flowers

+ supports sexual drive
+ enhances sensuality
+ may combating anger and low self esteem
+ may increases focus of your thoughts so you’re present in the moment
+ may restore confidence and peace
+ may encourage healthy libido and positivity

Thank you all so much for taking the time to join us today/tonight! Our class was created by Casey Leigh Wiegand, Danielle Burkleo, our precious friends and YL leader Courtney Critz' knowledge and teaching, and the two books Taming the Dragon Within, and Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils.

Patti Friday: Author | Illustrator | Wellness Community Member | Reporting from inside 'The Art Dept.' at the international 'Embassy of Ideas'

I am an independent distributor of Young Living.  Patti Friday Kennedy #12680967
***  Any suggestions made on this blog are very specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please DO NOT STOP.

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